Why Email?

When you think professional email services, you think Microsoft. They are one of, if not the most trusted names in email – and for good reason, they provide a service that is secure and built for organisations like ours.

And, thanks to their Not-for-Profit program, it’s likely you can get Microsoft’s world-leading email services for free. As part of ADRA Source, and in partnership with TechSoup, your office can soon have stable, secure and easy to manage emails – for free.

Plus, Microsoft’s Not-for-Profit benefits allow 10 full licenses for the full Microsoft Office suite, and up to 2,000 free online licenses. What does this mean?

  • Most, if not all, computer-based staff will have access to fully licensed software (including the Windows operating system)
  • All field staff, who might only use emails from their phones, will have professional email addresses that you can manage.

Visit nonprofit.microsoft.com for more information and techsoup.global to register for the program.

What Else do I need to Know?

  • TechSoup.Global is a not-for-profit that helps find discounted prices for hardware (some countries) and software. Many large organisations like Microsoft and Google use TechSoup to confirm local Not-For-Profit registration. As a result, your office will need to register with TechSoup to access these Microsoft solutions. ADRA Source’s technical experts have contacts within TechSoup that can help check on the status of your request and keep the process moving.
  • Changes to your email services may require updating some details with your local web and domain-hosting provider. However, the ADRA Source support team are able to manage all your hosting and email services.
  • By adding ADRA Source’s support team to your Microsoft account, we can help with adding, and removing emails and password resetting via our ticketing system ([email protected]). Plus, it doesn’t take up any of your licenses.

Can’t Register with TechSoup?

A small number of ADRA offices may not be able to register with TechSoup, and as a result will be
unable to access free Microsoft licenses. However, through ADRA Source, these offices can still access
free, enterprise level email systems – simply contact [email protected] to find out more.

What’s Next?

  1. Read the Email Checklist
  2. Read the Email Quick Setup guide
  3. Start your application at TechSoup.Global: Start