Payment Gateway Quick Setup

To get started with Stripe as your payment gateway for collecting online donations you will need to:

  1. Set up a Stripe account for your office. (If Stripe isn’t available in your country talk to the ADRA Source team about other available options).
    • To set up Stripe you will need to:
      • Provide formal business registration documenation
      • Have one of your organization’s administrators (Country Director or CFO) be the first user or owner.
  2. Once set up, go to Developer Settings and then API Key’s Meny to find the API (Public and Secret Keys) needed to link Stripe to Marketing Hub.
  3. Set up Webhooks within Office Manager (if you’re unsure about this, the ADRA Source team can set you through it)
  4. Ensure Stripe is included in your Office Manager’s System Directory (if it isn’t, simply click ‘Add’), and add the API Keys copied from your Stripe account.