ADRA Network COVID Response Indicators in LogAlto

Step One

  1. Login to LogAlto at:
    • If you aren’t sure you have a username use the forgot password link
    • If you don’t have a username and aren’t sure who in your office (normally the Country Director) can add you then contact [email protected], and CC your Country Director

Step Two

You will by default be shown the Global Dashboard with an overview of the networks Projects; to view the Projects click on the projects (looks like a folder) menu on the left.

Note: you can swap between Grid and list views at the top right.

Step Three

You can Edit a project by clicking on the project; or add a project by clicking the + icon.

Step Four

You will see the project Information window where you can enter the projects details, ensure you enter all the required fields.

  • Code
  • Title
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Status
  • ADRA Office(s) – All ADRA offices involved with the project, this will be used to count all countries involved in COVID-19 responses. NOTE: You will only be able to edit the project if your Country is included in this field.
  • Locations – Enter the location the project is being run in; this can be at the country level only.
  • Partners – This is used in the dashboard to count all partners involved in the COVID-19 responses and recovery; we are particularly interested in Church Involvement.
  • Sectors
  • Project Budget
  • Project Budget Currency
  • Donors – This helps us understand if the funding was within ADRA or external to ADRA. NOTE: Only add an ADRA office if they are using funds raised by themselves, if accessing funds from a government then do not add the ADRA office but the government office.

Step Five

Adding beneficiaries counts supported by your projects open the project (click the project from the project list (point 2 above) and select the LOGRAME menu at the top right. You can then select the Data Entry menu at the top right to enter the Primary and/or Secondary beneficiaries. Primary is considered people directly helped by your project, secondary would be people that benefit because of a primary beneficiary (it is not always easy or possibly to assess this and can be left empty).

NOTE: It is ideal to be able to desegregate the beneficiary counts, but if not possible then you can deselect the Automatically calculated field to enter a total value.

Step Six

Adding project costs can be done when adding or editing a project (as point 2 above) you can click the more > Project Budget menu option at the top right.

NOTE: You can add multiple per project, these will be summed and typically displayed as an annual figure. This is the field used to report on, the Project Budget is normally the total budget for the project which typically runs over multiple years.

You can then click the Add Project Expense, and fill in the details.

  • Project – should be preselected, if not search for the project code
  • Date – this is the general date for of reporting
  • Amount – the value
  • Currency – the currency that amount (above) was recorded in
  • Fund Origin – this field highlights if the project funding was sourced within the country the project is being implemented (Local) or outside the implementation countries borders (External)
  • Donation Type – Typically only Monetary funds are recorded, but in the case your project allows for In-Kind donations you have the option to specify that here.


You can search and filter your list of projects by clicking the magnifying glass at the top right.

If you aren’t seeing the projects you expect, then check the scope (All ADRA Office(s) in the screen shot above) and also check that you haven’t set a Search/Filter which will be indicated with the message top centre.

You can customise which fields you see in the Project Grid view by hovering your mouse over the column headings until a down arrow appears, then select Columns and then select all fields you are interested in.

ADRA Network COVID-19 Response Indicators

#Know your realityDefinitionLogAlto
1# of existing projects pivoted to COVID-19 response; disaggregated by region and Country Office.Identify existing projects that were impacted by COVID-19, and more importantly, were able to continue with a new focus in support of a local pandemic response.Edit Project and set TAG “PIVOT-COVID-19”
2# of new projects created in response to COVID-19; disaggregated by region and Country OfficeIdentify new projects that were funded in response to COVID-19, or independent of the pandemic, but included a COVID-19 component.When adding the project, set TAG to “COVID-19”
3# of Country Offices implementing business continuity plans; disaggregated by region.Include new or existing business continuity plans that were intentionally actioned by your Office, since the beginning of the pandemic.Click on this link to fill out your BCP status COVID Business Continuity Plan; if you are amending your BCP status go to Custom Forms on the left menu and find the custom form COVID Business Continuity Plan, then locate your country and edit the entry.
Love your NeighbourDefinition
4# of beneficiaries reached; disaggregated by sex, disaggregated by region and Country Office.Identify beneficiaries that were directly impacted by ADRA’s COVID-19 response interventions under “Primary demography.”. Indirect beneficiaries i.e. those reached by mass-media and broadcast campaigns. should be entered under “Secondary demography”.Update Logframe with Primary (direct) and/or Secondary (indirect) beneficiary numbers.
Grow LocalDefinition
5# of new partnerships formed; disaggregated by region and Country Office.Include new implementing partnerships formed since the beginning of the pandemic; that are related to and enhanced your pandemic response.
Any entities that provided funding but did not participate in the implementation can be entered under “Donors.” (Such as LDS Charities.)
When editing or adding a project ensure the TAG has been set for “COVID-19” or “PIVOT-COVID-19” and all Partners have been included in the Partners field.
6Total value of local funds raised for COVID-19 (by the Country Office); disaggregated by region.Include any local fundraising, local grants, value of local in-kind contributions, local co-financing and match (this would include any funding via an embassy etc).When adding Project Budget (project screen, more > Project Budget), you have the optional values to define Fund Origin (Local or External) and Donation Type (Monetary or In Kind or Other)
Think GlobalDefinition
7# of Country Offices responding to the pandemic (under the ADRA COVID-19 Framework); disaggregated by region.Include your Office regardless of whether there was an intentional alignment to the ADRA Framework.Ensure when adding or editing a project you set the “ADRA Office(s)” field with all the offices involved in the project. Including the supporting or coordinating office, such as ADRA International.
8Total value of external funding received for COVID-19 (by the Country Office); disaggregated by region.Include all funding to your Office from external sources; other ADRA offices, international grants, value of in-kind donations sent internationally, co-financing and match etc.When adding Project Budget (project screen, more > Project Budget), you have the optional values to define Fund Origin (Local or External) and Donation Type (Monetary or In Kind or Other)