Запись вебинара ЛогАльто | декабрь 2021 г.

Watch the webinar recording from the training session on LogAlto conducted on the 10 December 2021 by David Poloche and Elian Giaccarini ЗДЕСЬ

Below is an outline of what was covered in the session:

Start: – 2:10
Objectives: 2:54

  1. Get Familiar with LogAlto: 4:30
  2. Learn how to log in and edit your user profile: 15:15
  3. Create and edit a project: 17:00
  4. Beginning to learn how to set up logframe structure: 52:13
  5. Create your forms: 1:24:11
  6. Activity Tracking: 1:34:15
    Finishing off, useful links, Q&A: 1:37:06


  • What projects can I add, do they only have to be ADRA funded projects. No you are able to add all your projects, this is a tool for your office and you can use it freely.

Below are the 2 PowerPoints:

You can also access a range of resources on how to use and implement LogAlto in your implementing office ЗДЕСЬ