Website Checklist

The web template is customisable to suit the context of your office. It is recommended you keep the general Homepage (sections may vary), Impact (sectors may vary), About Us and Contact Us pages. It is also strongly recommended that you choose from the available colours, and do not change the fonts and ADRA logo, as these are keeping in-line with ADRA’s branding guidelines.

To get things started, here are some questions you will need to consider:

  1. How often will you be able to keep the website updated? This will determine how in depth your website is so that it is not obvious i.e. dates on your posts, keeping your project pages or information current etc.
  2. What main pages and subpages do you want to include?
  3. What are your core impact sectors? ADRA International’s programs are divided into 11 sectors i.e., Education, Health, Livelihoods, Emergency
  4. What information do you want to keep from your current website?
  5. Do you want the website to be multilingual?
  6. Does your office conduct Fundraising? What Payment Gateways are you currently using or need to setup i.e Stripe, PayPal etc.?
  7. Where is your domain being hosted? Can you access the DNS (Domain Name System) records? Do you want ADRA Source to host your domain, email and website?
  8. Do you have access to a range of high-quality images to populate your website? Images increase the aesthetic of your website. If you don’t have many – contact any donors or partners who may have collected some during their visits to your country office’s projects.

These questions will help determine the direction of your website further:

  1. Do you want to include a subpage for each project?
  2. What links do you want to include in the ‘House Menu’ at the top of the website?
  3. What sections do you want to display on the homepage?
  4. Does your office fundraise and wish to include donation links? Gift catalogue?
  5. Do you want to add publications, documents or reports?
  6. Do you want a main blog archive?
  7. Do you have a newsletter? Do you have Mail Chimp or other setup for subscriptions that need to be added?
  8. Do you want to advertise jobs? internships? volunteers? tenders? ADRA Connections?
  9. Do you wish to include a history of your office?
  10. Do you want to include where you work? With a map?
  11. Do you want to advertise your partners and donors? Including logos?
  12. What are your social media platforms?
  13. Do you want to add videos?
  14. Do you want to include a staff section? Which staff do you want to include?
  15. Do you want to include a policies page or privacy policy? Cookies?
  16. Do you want to add a report page for Child Abuse, Sexual Harassment etc.?


A selection of ADRA websites that are using the ADRA web template in WordPress:

  1. ADRA Asia Regional Office:
  2. ADRA Myanmar:
  3. ADRA Chile:
  4. ADRA Italy:
  5. ADRA Timor-Leste:
  6. ADRA India –
  7. ADRA Sri Lanka:
  8. ADRA New Zealand:
  9. ADRA Philippines:
  10. ADRA Cambodia:
  11. ADRA Tunisia:
  12. ADRA Europe:
  13. ADRA Honduras:
  14. ADRA Tanzania:
  15. ADRA Vanuatu:
  16. ADRA Madagascar:
  17. ADRA Africa Regional Office:
  18. ADRA Laos:
  19. ADRA Togo:

Ideas on page options and what you can include:

HomePagelatest articles, featured project, campaign or initiative with link, impact sectors with logos (Education, Health, Emergency, Livelihoods) and links to sector pages, impact section (total beneficiaries, budget, projects), featured newsletter or publication with form, flash banner for emergencies or campaigns
Footer Menulinks to social media, form for subscriptions with linked email address, address, phone number, registration number, link to privacy page or policies, logos of registered entities
Impact Sectorsbrief overview of the program under this sector, bullet points of key activities, list of active projects, list of previous projects, impact information e.g., total beneficiaries, budget, projects etc.
Join Our Team/ Internships/ Volunteerskey information for application process, contact information of HR, sections required in a custom form for applications
ADRA News/ Blog Archiveorganize stories or articles to add to your website that include a title, date, quality photo, author etc.
Publicationsorganize pdf or word versions of any annual reports, capacity statements, newsletters, magazines, policy documents, reports etc.
Videosorganize links to videos from YouTube, Vimeo or media files under 500MB
Contact Usoffice address, phone number, email, office hours, contact for specific staff or sub offices, contact form
About Usbrief overview of your country office
Give/ Fundraisingbank account information, gift catalogue, fundraising campaign information such as target, timeframe, audience, links etc.
Where We Workmap of country or of project areas by state, brief information of projects implemented, contact details of projects
Partners & Donorslogos, links to websites, brief description
FAQskey questions asked of your office with brief answers, links to other resources
Project Pagesproject acronym and full title, brief project overview, beneficiary numbers (can be direct or indirect, may also include gender, disability), total budget, active years or months of duration, where the project is implemented (include a map), donors/partners and their logos, project photos of activities etc.
Historykey dates with brief description, corresponding photos for each timeline
Meet Our Staffstaff names, positions and profiles, 1 good quality photo of each staff member
COVID-19brief overview of COVID-19, links to videos, links to related articles, impact numbers, brief overview of countries response, implementation areas, photo gallery of project activities, preventative measures, global response report link etc.