Why WordPress?

More than 41% of the web is built on WordPress – it’s undoubtedly the most widely used, and widely
recognised website platform available.

It also happens to be Open Source.

Like every solution chosen to be part of ADRA Source, WordPress was selected as it provides the best
website solution for ADRA offices around the world. Here are just some of the reasons why:

  • Its Open Source licensing means it’s free, for everyone.
  • WordPress is continually being developed by for-profit companies, meaning it will continue to
    exist and improve well into the future.
  • Its ability to provide a secure and stable website is trusted by some of the world’s biggest
    companies and websites.
  • WordPress is fully featured, and has more than 55,000 plugins available. Anything you want your
    website to do can usually be achieved in WordPress.
  • Integration with other web and software solutions is readily available.
  • WordPress developers operate around the globe, so if you do need your website customised,
    help is never too far away.

Visit wordpress.org for more information.

What Else do I need to Know?

  • The ADRA web template has been designed in WordPress and can be easily edited through Elementor, a plugin. This easy to use, online tool means you can make changes and add content to your website wherever you are. With its drag and drop functions, editing a website has never been easier!

Visit elementor.com for more information.

  • Donation processing, and other financial transactions on the website (such as merchandise
    purchases) are handled by WooCommerce, which integrates smoothly with WordPress and Stripe – a secure, fully-featured payment platform. You can also setup other payment gateways such as PayPal, Direct Bank Transfers and more.

Visit woocommerce.com and stripe.com for more information

  • The ADRA web template has been designed to integrate with other ADRA Source solutions
    including NextCloud & ResourceSpace (online document and media storage) and Logalto (Project
    Management). This means finding and using up-to-date images, video and written content will be
    easier than ever before.
  • ADRA Source’s team of experts continually monitor and listen to users to identify future integration opportunities – so if there is something you need, just ask.

For more information about integration between ADRA Source software solutions CLICK HERE

What’s Next?

  1. Read the Website Checklist HERE
  2. Read the WordPress Quick Setup guide HERE
  3. Request the ADRA web template for your office: Contact Support