Why HumHub?

Productively communicating and collaborating with people in your office can be difficult – let alone across the country, region or world.

But, we know that working together effectively is the best way to complete our mission in serving all of humanity.

In the past, Workplace for Facebook served as an effective online space to share and collaborate around all things ADRA. However, increasing difficulty managing costs and restrictions on access in some parts of the world meant another solution was required.

That’s where HumHub comes in. As part of ADRA Source, HumHub provides the same function and stability of Workplace, with increased security and controls – and significantly reduced costs. With a system built by ADRA, for ADRA, HumHub’s Open Source platform ensures there is no hidden code, and by hosting the system on our own servers (ADRA Cloud) we can ensure no one else has access to the information we share.

Plus, with translation built into the system, communicating across countries and languages becomes easier than ever.

HumHub will allow our global network to continue working together effectively, and improve the way we communicate and collaborate on shared projects and issues.

Plus, with HumHub you’ll have the ability to set up ‘Workspaces’ dedicated to communicating with staff in your country, region or interest group – such as Technical Learning Labs (TLLs), now referred to as Communities of Practice (CoPs).

To get started on HumHub, make sure you read our handy User Guide and Quick Setup tips before registering at humhub.ADRA.cloud

What Else do I need to Know?

  • To keep ADRA’s HumHub secure, all new users who register will be reviewed by administrators before being given any access. This means, only known ADRA employees will be able to see and contribute to the information and conversations we share.
  • The key to any productive workplace, on or offline is keeping things professional and organised. That’s why we’ve included a set of guidelines in the ADRA HumHub User Guide to make this space a great place to be.

What’s Next?

  1. Register at humhub.ADRA.cloud if you have not already received an email invite to join HumHub
  2. Read the HumHub User and Quick Setup Guides.
  3. If you would like a HumHub workspace set up for your Office or Group email: Contact Support