Zakaj plačilni prehod?

Zaradi nenehnih novic o vdorih, kršitvah varnosti podatkov, spletnih krajah in krizi internetne varnosti je pomembno, da so vaši spletni sistemi za donacije čim bolj zanesljivi.

Učinkovit, varen in zanesljiv spletni sistem za donacije vam ne olajša le dela, temveč zagotavlja, da bodo vaši donatorji še naprej zaupali, kdo ste in kaj počnete.

Stripe is one of the world’s leading Payment Gateways. It’s fast and secure, and their technology has allowed easy integration with the solutions available to you through the Marketing Hub.

Due to the ADRA network’s global reach there are some countries that will not be able to directly access Stripe. This is where ADRA Source’s team of technology experts come in. Despite these limitations, we have been able to design a solution that ensures every office can access the market-leading solutions Stripe provides.

Kaj moram še vedeti?

ADRA Source’s Marketing Hub is built to utilize the market-leading solutions provided by Stripe. At this stage, Stripe is NOT available in all countries – but with ADRA Source, there is a solution.

Click the button below to check if your country is eligible:

Kaj sledi?

1. Kontaktirajte [email protected] za začetek postopka za nastavitev plačilnega prehoda.
2. Preberite naš Kontrolni seznam in . Hitra nastavitev vodila.
3. Dokončajte module usposabljanja Marketing Hub 101 na spletu TU da bi kar najbolje izkoristili tehnologijo za zbiranje sredstev.