ResourceSpace Quick Setup

Are you ready to manage all your photos and videos with ResourceSpace?

Getting started on Resource Space is easy:

  1. Email [email protected] to request ResourceSpace be set up for your office – make sure you include your Country Director in this request. 
  2. Read and share the Getting Started on ResourceSpace article with your staff (available HERE)
  3. Customise the system to suit your needs – office specific file tags can be used and workflows (see below) can be changed to make it work for your office. If you need help with this, simply contact [email protected]
  4. Begin ingesting (uploading) the photo and video files you currently have stored and ensure to start using the system for all new digital assets as they are produced.

Default Workflows in ResourceSpace

ResourceSpace is more than just a storage system – it includes automated Workflows that make it easier and quicker for your teams to work with your office’s digital assets. Below is a description of the default Workflow within ADRA’s Resource Space (this can be modified based on your needs):

  1. A user ingests (upload) image and/or video files into Resource Space (such as field staff returning from a project site). Were relevant they add the appropriate ‘tag’ to the files so it can be easily found later and Synced with the correct project in LogAlto.
    1.  TIP: Don’t upload 50 photos of the same thing, personal files or images/video that aren’t relevant to ADRA.
  2. ResourceSpace automatically notifies your Administrators or Curators of new files available.
  3. Administrators and Curators review these new files, upload and mark relevant consent details for the files and select which files should be visible to the rest of your team, office or the ADRA network. 

This is what you should include in your request:

  1. Name of the ADRA country office you are requesting ResourceSpace for. i.e. ADRA Somalia, ADRA Vanuatu, ADRA Chile
  2. Name (first and last name) and email address of each staff member in your office to be given access to the system.
  3. If known, details of specific system setting including workflows and permissions (including the names of users).