Donation Campaign Manager Quick Setup

The best way to understand the initial set up and use of Donation Campaign Manager is to watch the introductory video below. Better yet, complete ADRA Source’s FREE Marketing 101 course available to you through the Adventist Learning Community to not only better understand the tools available to you, but the marketing and fundraising basics you need to get the most out of them.

To get started with Donation Campaign Manager:

  1. Contact [email protected] to request the system be set up for your office. (Note: You will need your Office Manager <link to Office Manager page>system set up before getting started with Donation Campaign Manager)
  2. Register for Good Tag Manager (if you haven’t already) and set the code under Settings > GTM within Donation Campaign Manager.
  3. Add short email wording for your automated Success, Failed and Processing templates under the Email Templates menu.
  4. Name and organise your Funds in line with those used by your accounting team – these will likely include Administration, Emergencies and other sectors your office works within.
    • This will need to include discussions around Restricted and Unrestricted Funds.
  5. Set up a small number of Campaigns within Donation Campaign Manager, this will include assigning funds to each campaign, along with your established administration percentage for each donation.
    • As a recommendation, start with Campaigns for Emergency Management, and one or two other sectors your office focuses on (e.g., WASH and Livelihoods)
  6. Create your Appeals within the system – these should be reflective of your offices Fundraising and Marketing Plan. Some offices run monthly appeals, but if you are starting out, a single appeal per campaign is absolutely fine. Remember to start small and simple.
  7. If you are utilizing the online Gift Catalogue function on your website, you will need to allocate each gift set up in your WooCommerce to the appropriate Appeal.
  8. Set up your online donation pages within Donation Campaign Manager.
    • Ensure you have allocated the page to the correct Campaign and Appeal and set up the URL you would like to use.
    • Select the payment gateway (currently Stripe, with additional Gateway options coming soon) and the default currency for transactions.
    • Upload your chosen photo and select one of the three options for displaying the donation form over the page.
    • Set the pre-defined giving amounts to display on your donation page (donors will also be able to specify a custom amount).
    • Add the multiplier details if you have match funding available. This will show the donor’s total impact they are having. For example, with a $1 = $2 multiplier, a $5 donation will display an impact of $10.
    • Add descriptive text to your donation page via the Translations sub-menu. Note: If you add text to GDPR input, a check box will appear. This box must be selected by the user to complete a donation. Similarly, if you add text to the Communications input, a check box will also appear. Ticking this box is not a requirement but will instead allow donors to set their preferences for receiving future emails from your office.
    • Finally, Donation Campaign Manager will generate URL’s with pre-defined tracking details (UTM’s) to help organise you analytics – this includes links for Facebook and Twitter amongst others. Select the relevant links and use share them on the appropriate platforms to maximize the benefits you see from the system.