Office Manager Checklist

To start your Marketing Hub journey and get Office Manager set up for you and your team, it’s important to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Which Marketing Hub tools you and your office will need? (You can always add additional tools later.)
  2. Do you have the technical expertise in-house to help manage these systems? (The ADRA Source team is always on hand to help, but it’s important to consider what you currently have on hand).
  3. What users will need access to these systems, and do you have a centralised record of their details?

Getting started with the powerful email, donor relations and online donation systems available through Marketing Hub is easy – and it all starts with Office Manager. By choosing these solutions, you will not only have some of the best solutions available at a fraction of the cost, but you and your office will also have technical support available to you around the clock from ADRA’s very own team of experts.

If you are ready or have questions about setting up Office Manager, simply email [email protected]