LogAlto is a project management tool that specializes in M&E (Monitoring & Evaluation) and is very effective in helping offices keep track of projects, activities and progress towards project goals. In addition it helps us improve our knowledge on how we implement projects in specific sectors or donors at a network, regional and local level.
This guide however is only focusing on a sub-set of functionality to ensure your projects will be included in the report that ADRA International facilitates for the public consumption of our supporters and administration.
Watch this video tutorial below to ensure your projects are up-to-date for 2020 in preparation for ADRA International’s 2020 Annual Report!
Or follow this easy 6 step by step guide below:
Step One: Login now has a convenient menu link at the top to help you navigate to LogAlto.

You have the option to login; if you have forgotten your password please use the Forgot Password link; if you haven’t been added to LogAlto yet, email [email protected] with the details of the users that need to be added, what office and if they have specific permissions; please CC (Carbon Copy) your CD (Country Director) into the request.

Step Two: Dashboard
You should automatically see the Dashboard which has an infographic showing the global impact of the ADRA Network. Offices can expand the regional grouping to see the individual office counts and again to see the individual projects.
There are only three key aspects to this report Number of Projects, Beneficiaries served, and Spend to achieve this.

Step Three: Projects & Filtering
Moving your mouse over the left (<) icons will display the menu item where you can click on the Projects.

These will be all the projects your office is involved in; take note that if the heading indicates there are filters you will not be seeing all projects and would need to either Clear Filters, or click on the search button on the right (>) to configure your filter.

The project filtering for the Annual report is based on the projects Start and End Dates falling within 2020; so if you set the Start Date filter to be before the end of 2020 and the End Date to be after the beginning of 2020 you should see all the relevant projects. This does feel backwards, so take time to understand this if you want to use it this way. You can also set the status to Active, Completed and Canceled as all other statuses (Idea and Closed as Duplicate) are ignored in the annual report.

Step Four: Edit Projects
You can click on the project to see the project details and access the projects sub-menu’s.
NOTE: to edit the project details you will have to click the pencil next to the project name again.

Note the key fields to ensure are filled in are: Code or Acronym, Title, Start date, End date, Status (Active, Completed, Canceled), ADRA Office(s), Locations, Sectors (try to only add one), and if COVID add the TAGS (COVID-19 or PIVOT-COVID-19).
Step Five: Project Logframe (Beneficiary Count)
You can click on the Logframe sub-menu on the right (>) to go to the projects logframes which is where the Primary (Direct) and Secondary (Indirect) beneficiary counts are recorded.

Click on the Data Entry menu option at the top right (>) to enter the actual information.
NOTE: enter data in the Actual Quarterly field, this will mean it will be added to previous figures added; if you enter the data in the Project to Date this will set the total for the project and also means we can not isolate the 2020 beneficiary information.

Ideally you have the data in desegregated format; at which point enter as categorized as best as possible. If not (and the annual report doesn’t differentiate) deselect the Automatically calculated option at the top and just enter the Grand Total amount.

Step Six: Project Budget
In the project you can adding the project value for 2020 is under the sub-menu at the right (>) More > Project Budget.

Click on the ADD Project Expense button on the right (>).

The project should auto populate, and then enter the amount for the project. The only field you don’t need to populate is the Amount (USD – auto filled) as we use a generic conversion for 2020 between the currency entered and USD so we have a common reporting standard.
NOTE: you can add multiple values; we add all values where the date falls within the year we are reporting (2020).

This is an example of where an office added multiple lines for a project for 2020 because part of it was In Kind, another part was Internal (to the country) funding and the rest was External funding. You might also want to do it this way if you want to separate contributions from various offices.