HumHub Quick Setup

Getting started on HumHub is quick and easy. 

When you first register, your details will be reviewed by an administrator to ensure you are an ADRA employee. Once this review process is complete, you will automatically become part of the network-wide ADRA Welcome space.

Once registered, you may be able to join – or be invited to – other workspaces specific to your country, region or role.

Below is a quick guide to getting set up on HumHub:

As a Registered User

  • Go to, fill in your details under  ‘Sign Up’ and click ‘Register’.
  • Once your registration is complete, your details will be reviewed and approved by an administrator.
  • Once approval is given you will receive a confirmation email. Simply follow the prompts and you’ll be up and running on HumHub.
  • If you need, or would like access to additional workspaces (such as Country, Region or role-based spaces), simply use the ‘Spaces’ menu option and click ‘Join’. A request will be sent to the Space’s administrator for approval. 
  • To get the most out of HumHub, make sure you read and understand ADRA’s HumHub user guide HERE
  • For a detailed step by step run down with screenshots on how to get registered/setup or to watch the video tutorial, click HERE

HumHub for your Country Office

  • Discuss the use of HumHub with your Leadership and staff to determine whether it would be useful.
  • Nominate at least one staff member to be the administrator for your HumHub workspace – the person to manage and monitor conversations and help users out as necessary. You may also select moderators.
  • Ensure all staff members have approved registrations, by following the User Registration steps above.
  • Contact [email protected] to request access to setup your Country Office Workspace on Humhub. You may also provide a list of users to be added to this Workspace for importing, or they can be ‘invited’ to join. All Country Office workspaces are set to ‘private (invisible)’ with an invite only function to ensure security for you and your office.

HumHub for your Region

(This may be a space for Country Directors and/or other senior leadership to discuss regional issues)

  • Discuss the use of HumHub with your Regional Office staff and Country Directors to determine whether it would be useful.
  • Nominate at least one staff member to be the administrator for your HumHub workspace – the person to manage and monitor conversations and help users out as necessary. You may also select moderators.
  • Ensure all members have approved HumHub registrations, by following the User Registration steps above.
  • Provide a list of users to be added to the Division or Regional Workspace by contacting [email protected] for importing or they can be ‘invited’ to join. All regional workspaces are set to ‘private (invisible)’ with an invite only function to ensure security for you and your region.

HumHub for Technical Learning Labs and Other Groups

  • Discuss the use of HumHub with your Technical Learning Lab or other group to determine whether it would be useful.
  • Nominate at least one staff member to be the administrator for your HumHub workspace – the person to manage and monitor conversations and help users out as necessary. You may also select moderators.
  • Contact [email protected] to request access to setup your Workspace. Your request needs to include:
    • Name and description of the Space
    • Intended users
  • Your request will be reviewed by relevant Administrators and advice provided.
  • You may also provide a list of users to be added to this Workspace when it is set up for importing, or they can be ‘invited’ to join. TLL and other group Workspaces are set to ‘private (invisible)’ with an ‘invite only’ function to ensure security for you and your group.

HumHub for the Network

There are several network level workspaces already set up in HumHub such as Communications, Programs, COVID-19 Response etc. If you think there is a network level group missing, follow these instructions below:

  • Contact [email protected] or a Welcome workspace Administrator by message in HumHub to request a new network level workspace. Your request needs to include:
    • Name and description of the Space
    • Intended users
    • Allocated owner of the workspace (one of the allocated administrators)
    • Allocated administrator/s – the person to manage and monitor conversations and help users out as necessary. You may also designate moderators.
  • A HumHub administrator will then set up the workspace, assign the allocated administrator/s via email invitation and transfer ownership of the workspace to the allocated ‘Owner’.
  • The workspace will include a dp, banner and welcome message consistent with the other network level workspaces.
  • The workspace will be set to ‘Public’ so any registered users may request to ‘join’ and be approved by the allocated workspace administrator/s.