Learn how to setup and use the ADRA web template in WordPress

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Email [email protected] to request a template with copy to your Country Director. 

In this email, make sure you include a list of initial users that will have access to your website by including their full name, email and what level of access i.e Administrator, Editor etc.

The ADRA Source team will generate a template specifically for your country office that you can edit until the website is ready to go live with your domain. It will come with a URL that looks like: e.g.

For more, read our Quick Setup Guide.

You can, but we advise you don’t change the core colours and stick to the fonts. This web template has been designed according to ADRA’s Standards Manual. ADRA’s fonts and colours are already included in the web templates global default settings.

According to this manual, online fonts include; Montserrat, Zilla Slab, and Authenia.

The ADRA brand is only as strong as we make it. Let’s work together as a network to continue bringing legitimacy to our organization by using strong branding.

First, make sure you have access to your domain’s DNS records. Not sure what a domain is? Read this helpful guide.

Then, email [email protected] to let the ADRA Source team know you are ready to make the transfer.

If you want ADRA to host your domain, the team will need a txt. file of your DNS records to setup in the ADRA Cloud server. 

Then, the name servers will need to be updated. Once that’s complete, your website will be live.

Sound too complicated? Don’t worry! That’s exactly what we’re here for. Our team will walk you through every step supporting the process from start to finish. 

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