Email Marketing Checklist

To start sending great emails through Mautic, it’s important that you:

  • Consider what audience groups, or segments (mailing lists) you need.
  • Develop an email marketing plan to ensure you’re ready to use Mautic effectively.
  • Develop a draft email design (if different from the available templates) that fits within ADRA’s standards.

Some other important things you will need to consider are:

  1. Do you already have mailing lists set up on another platform that you need to migrate across, or are you starting from scratch?
  2. Do you want to send one-off emails, or is your office also wanting to set up automated donor journeys (such as a welcome sequence for new supporters)?

Using Mautic for your support emails will not only let you share engaging content more easily, but you’ll also have technical support available to you around the clock from ADRA’s very own team of experts.

If you are ready or have questions about setting up your payment gateway, simply email [email protected]