Email Checklist

Before moving your email services, it’s important to consider the following questions: 

  1. Can you register with the TechSoup in your country to access Microsoft’s Not-for-Profit program for subsidized email services?
  2. How many staff need a custom email address in your office? i.e. “John.Smith@adra…..”
  3. Do you want ADRA to host your domain (e.g. “”)?

Some other important questions you need to ask yourself include:

  1. Who is your current email hosting provider and how much are you paying for their service?
  2. Where is your domain hosted and how easy is it to access the DNS Records for migration?
  3. Do you have a different hosting provider for your website?

Migrating your email, website and hosting provider to ADRA means that your office will have additional security measures and technical support around the clock from ADRA’s very own team of technical experts. 

If you are ready to migrate your email service or need support in registering with TechSoup in your country, simply email [email protected]